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Marcus by Goldman Sachs

Marcus by Goldman Sachs

Relaunching one of the oldest names in finance.



Relaunching one of the oldest names in finance.

In 2016 Goldman Sachs launched its first mass consumer product, 

offering banking and financial planning to help Americans better manage personal debt. Marcus was designed to appeal to the next generation of consumers: Those who live in the now—even if that means living paycheck to paycheck.  


Complex ideas made simple.

Marcus by Goldman Sachs combines the innovation, simplicity, and user-first experience of fin-tech start-ups with the equity, legacy, and financial knowledge of old school banks.


Brand Identity

Premium and minimalistic looking.

Marcus by Goldman Sachs made financial data simple and intimidating.

We designed a consistent look and feel across the brand—all with the aim of bringing data to life in a way that's friendly and accessible.

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We launched the 'Debt happens' campaign along with the product.

The 'Debt Happens' campaign destigmatized the idea of personal debt and brought to life a simple way of reducing debt by offering lower-rate loans to pay off high interest credit cards.  

Marcus Debt happens Campaign on Vimeo
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CD : Evan Jones & Anna Edwards

Copywriter: Sean Sullivan

Multiple UI/UX Designers

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